Shepherds and Angels of Goat Island

Who we are and why we exist:

The story goes that in the 70s, Reggie Fry introduced goats to the island to “mow” the grasses and brush in order to create a usable beach for the community. The idea worked. The Goat Island Goats are still mowing to this day and we still have a usable beach on goat island.  Along with the never ending landscaping skills they provide, we are thankful that Goat Island is now a beloved part of our local history and a point of pride for our community. Everyone loves the goats. Children love watching the goats and goat babies, grandparents love watching the grand babies loving the goats just as they did when they were kids. Families and friends love to gather in fellowship and fun.

For a complete history click here. 

Shepherds and Angels of Goat Island

The Shepherds and Angels of Goat Island are members of our community who have generously donated time, money and considerable effort to the care of Goat Island. We are so thankful and proud of our Shepherds and Angels.

Shepherds of Goat Island

The Shepherds of Goat Island are a group of volunteers that currently help to maintain the health of the goats and the island itself.  We do the work.  The physical care of the goats, vet visits, medications, hoof trimming, weathering, web posts, barn maintenance, trash pick-up, fundraisers, the signs, and so on.  We assume no liability.  We do this out of the goodness of our hearts.  We all donate significant amounts of time, money and effort. This is a labor of love for the animals and for what Goat Island means for the community. 

The current Shepherds of Goat Island are:

Jennifer Staples
Chris Staples
Chris McNiff
James Kelley
Alice Lankford
Ron Crone
Sharon Crone
Betty Busch
Jimmie Lee
Dustin Standley 

… and the list continues to grow.

Angels of Goat Island

We are so proud to share this long and ever growing list of the Angels of Goat Island. This list is a true testament to the generosity and dedication of our community. Over the years and at many critical moments in Goat Island history, the Angels of Goat Island have contributed time, money and resources. It is an understatement to say that we would not have goats on Goat Island if it were not for the charitable and enthusiastic support from it’s Angels.

The Angels of Goat Island are:


Reggie Fry – Originator of Goat Island
Sonny Johnson- friend and helper. 

2018 to present

Original Goat Island Committee:

Terry Threlkheld (President)
Went above and beyond to make sure that goat island wouldn’t be without goats.  He understood the importance of having goats on goat island.  Without them… it would be hard for people to enjoy the island because of the plant growth. In 2018 he formed the first goat island committee and replaced the goats that were tragically killed by a pack of dogs.

Ron (Vice President)  and Sharon Crone
Huge supporters!  Ron built the original barn with Jennifer Staples.  Ron, Sharon and Jennifer worked together to figure out the issues troubling the new goats from 2018-2020.

Jennifer Staples (Secretary)
Took meeting notes and minutes.

Susan Martin
Tammy Muir
Dr. Sharon Schuetz
Betty Busch
Kristie Munoz

Ongoing Angels:
Gail Cooley
David Stoll
Billy Taylor
Jo Matthew
Don Motley
Cheryl Harpen
Shirley Hall
Lamar Thompson
Vicki Sullivan Smith
Teri McGee
Larry Dean
Shasta Burgman
Wayne Williams
Jason Thompson
Carolyn Baxter
Carolyn Smith
Darrel Wade
Lyle Stubbs
Darcy Tarrillion

Goat Island Angel of Mercy
Dr. Amanda Curry – Crockett Veterinary Hospital

If you or someone you know is not on this list but should be, please email us here and let us know!