Meet the Goat Island Goats

Rocky – Stud Male

Vader – Stud Male


Superior Goat Eating Juniper Project 

Moved to a farm in January 2022 – Old Age and Worms

Marshall – Weathered Male

Parents are Smiley and Rocky
Born – May 28th 2021


Superior Goat Eating Juniper Project


Parents are Domino and Goaty Mc Goatface
Born March 16th 2021


Parents are Domino and Goaty Mc Goatface
Born March 16th 20

Moved to a farm November 2021 – constant bloat issues,  needed supervised care

Milton – Stud Male

Parents are Domino and Rocky
Born January 17th 2022


Parents are Domino and Rocky
Born January 17th 2022

Peggy and Josephine 

2 year old Spanish Goat Nannies
Purchased in March 2021 to help populate the island

Note :  Right now we are only allowing the strongest goats to breed.  If they show signs of weakness or seem unable to adapt to island life we weather the males and re-home the girls.