
Goat Island News
Goat Island News
Happy Labor Day weekend!
The bucks are in rut. This is actually really cute to watch. I only have 3 bucks the other males have been weathered but they still like to play big man on campus. They are all play fighting with tails wagging…. Vader has lost his mind to his hormones and is rubbing up on buttercup constantly with his lip up in the air, peeing on his own face and following her around and rubbing his smelly face on her belly.
Goat Island News
Goat Island News

As of today, no other babies have been taken. These are the pics with the moms with their remaining kids.
It’s seems as of now all is good on the island. The cameras have helped along with the signs.

In order to put a live cam where we can all see everything that is going on it will cost $150 a month. 😳
What I have now is a live stream of photos that come with motion. So it just gets sent to me and I pay $15 a month for each cam on the island. (Fund Raiser Time).
The images are really good so I would see any shady behavior.
I will put a trail cam up in the barn and I will just share those images weekly.
I can’t put up a really good cam because my guess is someone would put on a mask and see where it is and steal it.

Let’s see how trail cam goes first.
Goat Island News
Goat Island News
Hello everyone. This project wasn’t actually something I was expecting to take on, it just kind of fell to me… but it has been such a rewarding experience for myself and my family despite the hurdles we have faced.
We have really loved caring for these animals over the years. I would like to take a moment and thank Jill Burtchael and Ginny La Grove for sending me this awesome cellular camera. It’s really great. They also sent me signs that I will post that say there are cameras going 24 hours a day. These are a way better to do
safety checks than my trail existing cams.
When look at these I think I might be able find one that will allow everyone to see most of what I see especially in the barn. That’s so cool!
You see this with Eagle cams etc . I would love to make that open to everyone. There is so much wild life and they all come together in a storm in that barn just like Noah’s Ark.
Betty Busch (Thank you mom in law.. or just other mom) has already volunteered to donate another big cam. We are going to put up the first cellular one with the signs and see how it goes and if I can make it an open video for everyone to see I will do that.
Since the time of my last post about the missing goats, none others have gone missing.
Goat Island News
Goat Island News
As of today I am missing 6 baby goats. In the last 6 years I have been able to account for every goat and I knew about every death. Now in 7 weeks 6 babies are missing? Someone is straight up stealing them!
I not only purchased these goats and have been caring for them for these last 6 years but I have been specifically breeding them for the island. Removing the ones that get too wormy and promoting specific blood lines. This not an easy or inexpensive thing to do. The person who is taking these babies is not just taking the baby goats from their mothers which mean both mother and babies are suffering because in some cases they aren’t ready to be weened yet, but is also robbing us all of the 3rd generation strongest babies that are the future of goat island. A few goats have also lately been injured…. Probably from being chased. Mary lost her daughter 2 weeks ago and she was limping for about a week. Another one had a bad gash on her side? I don’t see this person stopping what they are doing and every time I go over I am afraid of who is going to be missing next. It’s heartbreaking.
Who ever you are, God is watching and steps are being taken.
Goat Island News
Goat Island News
A big thank you to Christopher Howard and Dustin Boggs for coming out to the Island to help me today. Unfortunately we couldn’t find the baby I was looking for but they helped me to catch and band two other little males. I will just have to keep an eye out for him and hope he’s ok.
Goat Island News
Goat Island News
I have someone scheduled to come tomorrow to help me get the baby with the bot fly in his ear: thank you everyone for your support and suggestions.


Thank you for supporting the goats of Goat Island, Trinity, Texas!

If you are choosing one of our donation options you can adjust your donation amount by changing the quantity of your purchase. For example, a quantity of 2 for a $10 donation will equal a total of $20 donated.

Where do the funds go? 
All funds go toward the purchase of additional goats, vet bills, hay for the winter, trash pick up and disposal/overall maintenance and well being of the animals and the island in general.